Staging Area


Episode 1

High Quality copy here.

Episode 2

High Quality copy here.

Episode 3

High Quality copy here.

Episode 4

Episode 5 (Currently in production)

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Staging Area was created to provide information and ideas for various situations as well as commentary on whatever Maltose feels like at the time.  Essentially, this is a place for the Maltose to go off on the world.  It is anticipated that Staging Area will span a minimum of 5 episodes, possibly with more to be produced later on.

This show originally began as a proof-of-concept for myself to see if I could do a video show and as a way for me to help breathe some life back into the RantMedia community.  As such, there have been major changes to the way I produce them.  It is definitely continuing to evolve as time goes on.

Due to my moving all over the place in the last few years, segments of the show have been (and still are) filmed in various locations throughout Canada and Costa Rica.

Staging Area with Maltose Kincaid by Maltose Kincaid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.